Country: BR (Brazil) > State: 20091 (State of Espirito Santo)

Google Analytics Region ID: 20091

ID #20091 is the ID for State of Espirito Santo,Brazil

Status: Active as of June 17th, 2021

The Region ID Dimension

The Region ID is a dimension in Google Analytics under the Audience > Geo section.

The Region ID represents the users' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Depending on the country, the Region ID might represent any one of the following region types: State, Province, Prefecture, Region, Union Territory, Autonomous Community, County, Canton, Governorate, Municipality, Department, District, or Territory. A Region might have one or more City IDs within it.

City IDs in State of Espirito Santo

1001542 (Cachoeiro de Itapemirim)
1001543 (Castelo)
1001544 (Colatina)
1001545 (Linhares)
1001546 (Sao Mateus)
1001547 (Serra)
1001548 (Vila Velha)
1001549 (Vitoria)
1031411 (Afonso Claudio)
1031415 (Alegre)
1031417 (Alfredo Chaves)
1031425 (Anchieta)
1031437 (Aracruz)
1031471 (Barra de Sao Francisco)
1031552 (Cariacica)
1031580 (Conceicao da Barra)
1031614 (Ecoporanga)
1031640 (Fundao)
1031660 (Guarapari)
1031669 (Guacui)
1031676 (Ibatiba)
1031713 (Itapemirim)
1031738 (Iuna)
1031747 (Jaguare)
1031764 (Joao Neiva)
1031797 (Marataizes)
1031817 (Mimoso do Sul)
1031824 (Montanha)
1031839 (Muniz Freire)
1031852 (Nova Venecia)
1031924 (Piuma)
1032002 (Santa Teresa)
1032055 (Sao Gabriel da Palha)
1032128 (Viana)
9047707 (Baixo Guandu)
9047741 (Domingos Martins)
9047803 (Rio Bananal)
9047809 (Santa Maria de Jetiba)
9047836 (Vargem Alta)
9047838 (Venda Nova do Imigrante)
9074174 (Aracruz)