Country: AR (Argentina)

Google Analytics Country Code: AR

AR is the Country Code for Argentina

Status: Active as of June 17th, 2021

The Country Dimension

Country is a dimension in Google Analytics under the Audience > Geo section.

The Country Code is derived from the ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code defined by the International Organization for Standardization. A users' country is derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs.

Region IDs in Argentina

Province IDs in Argentina

20008 (Salta Province)
20009 (Buenos Aires Province)
20010 (Buenos Aires)
20011 (Entre Rios)
20012 (La Rioja Province)
20013 (Chaco Province)
20014 (San Juan Province)
20015 (Catamarca Province)
20016 (La Pampa)
20017 (Mendoza Province)
20018 (Misiones Province)
20019 (Neuquen)
20020 (Rio Negro)
20021 (Santa Fe Province)
20022 (Tucuman)
20023 (Chubut Province)
20024 (Tierra del Fuego Province)
20025 (Corrientes)
20026 (Cordoba)
20027 (Jujuy)
20028 (Santa Cruz Province)
21297 (San Luis Province)
21298 (Santiago del Estero Province)
21299 (Formosa Province)