Country: IT (Italy) > Region: 9053434 (Marche)

Google Analytics Region ID: 9053434

ID #9053434 is the ID for Marche,Italy

Status: Active as of June 17th, 2021

The Region ID Dimension

The Region ID is a dimension in Google Analytics under the Audience > Geo section.

The Region ID represents the users' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Depending on the country, the Region ID might represent any one of the following region types: State, Province, Prefecture, Region, Union Territory, Autonomous Community, County, Canton, Governorate, Municipality, Department, District, or Territory. A Region might have one or more City IDs within it.

City IDs in Marche

1008033 (Ancona)
1008034 (Camerano)
1008035 (Castelfidardo)
1008036 (Castelplanio)
1008037 (Chiaravalle)
1008038 (Fabriano)
1008039 (Falconara Marittima)
1008040 (Iesi)
1008041 (Maiolati Spontini)
1008042 (Monte San Vito)
1008043 (Numana)
1008044 (Osimo)
1008045 (Polverigi)
1008046 (Senigallia)
1008051 (Altidona)
1008052 (Ascoli Piceno)
1008053 (Fermo)
1008054 (Grottammare)
1008055 (Monte Giberto)
1008056 (Monte San Pietrangeli)
1008057 (Montegranaro)
1008058 (Monteprandone)
1008059 (Porto San Giorgio)
1008060 (San Benedetto del Tronto)
1008061 (Sant'Elpidio a Mare)
1008394 (Civitanova Marche)
1008395 (Macerata)
1008396 (Porto Recanati)
1008397 (Recanati)
1008398 (Tolentino)
1008672 (Fano)
1008673 (Pesaro)
1008675 (Urbino)
9050562 (Cagli)
9050564 (Calcinelli)
9050567 (Camerino)
9050607 (Filottrano)
9050612 (Fossombrone)
9050648 (Matelica)
9050671 (Porto Sant'Elpidio)

Province IDs in Marche

20522 (Province of Ancona)
20524 (Province of Ascoli Piceno)
20567 (Province of Macerata)
20587 (Province of Pesaro and Urbino)
9047201 (Province of Fermo)