Country: NO (Norway) > County: 9299019 (Trondelag)

Google Analytics Region ID: 9299019

ID #9299019 is the ID for Trondelag,Norway

Status: Active as of June 17th, 2021

The Region ID Dimension

The Region ID is a dimension in Google Analytics under the Audience > Geo section.

The Region ID represents the users' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Depending on the country, the Region ID might represent any one of the following region types: State, Province, Prefecture, Region, Union Territory, Autonomous Community, County, Canton, Governorate, Municipality, Department, District, or Territory. A Region might have one or more City IDs within it.

City IDs in Trondelag

1010969 (Melhus)
1010970 (Oppdal)
1010972 (Rissa)
1010973 (Roros)
1010974 (Selbu)
1010976 (Trondheim)
1010977 (Leksvik)
1010978 (Levanger)
1010979 (Meraker)
1010980 (Namsos)
1010981 (Overhalla)
1010982 (Steinkjer)
1010983 (Stjordal)
1028785 (Verdalsora)
1029802 (Grong)
1029834 (Malvik)
1029835 (Meldal)
1029852 (Rennebu)
1029867 (Snasa)

Municipality IDs in Trondelag

1029815 (Inderoy Municipality)
9047289 (Frosta Municipality)
9047290 (Froya Municipality)
9047319 (Hitra Municipality)
9047327 (Hoylandet Municipality)
9047352 (Leka Municipality)
9047354 (Levanger Municipality)
9047356 (Lierne Municipality)
9047370 (Malvik Municipality)
9047375 (Melhus Municipality)
9047377 (Midtre Gauldal Municipality)
9047384 (Namsos Municipality)
9047385 (Namsskogan Municipality)
9047399 (Oppdal Municipality)
9047402 (Orland)
9047405 (Osen Municipality)
9047421 (Roros Municipality)
9047424 (Royrvik Municipality)
9047433 (Selbu Municipality)
9047453 (Steinkjer Municipality)
9047454 (Stjordal Municipality)
9047474 (Trondheim Municipality)
9047488 (Verdal Municipality)
9073087 (Flatanger Municipality)
9073093 (Afjord Municipality)
9073094 (Skaun Municipality)
9073095 (Rindal Municipality)
9073097 (Rennebu Municipallity)
9073167 (Meraker Municipality)
9073168 (Tydal Municipality)
9073169 (Holtalen Municipality)
9073171 (Snasa Municipality)
9073172 (Grong Municipality)
9073175 (Overhalla Municipality)