Country: NO (Norway) > County: 9302906 (Innlandet)

Google Analytics Region ID: 9302906

ID #9302906 is the ID for Innlandet,Norway

Status: Active as of June 17th, 2021

The Region ID Dimension

The Region ID is a dimension in Google Analytics under the Audience > Geo section.

The Region ID represents the users' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Depending on the country, the Region ID might represent any one of the following region types: State, Province, Prefecture, Region, Union Territory, Autonomous Community, County, Canton, Governorate, Municipality, Department, District, or Territory. A Region might have one or more City IDs within it.

City IDs in Innlandet

1010828 (Elverum)
1010832 (Hamar)
1010834 (Kongsvinger)
1010835 (Loten)
1010837 (Stange)
1010838 (Tolga)
1010839 (Trysil)
1010840 (Tynset)
1010842 (Gjovik)
1010846 (Lesja)
1010847 (Lillehammer)
1010848 (Oyer)
1010849 (Ringebu)
1010856 (Gran)
1029830 (Lom)
1029854 (Ringsaker)
1029862 (Sel)
1029898 (Valer)

Municipality IDs in Innlandet

1029803 (Grue Municipality)
1029843 (Nord-Aurdal Municipality)
1029876 (Sor-Odal Municipality)
1029889 (Vestre Toten Municipality)
1029904 (Ostre Toten)
9047235 (Amot Municipality)
9047242 (Asnes)
9047261 (Dovre Municipality)
9047266 (Eidskog Municipality)
9047268 (Elverum Municipality)
9047270 (Engerdal Municipality)
9047272 (Etnedal Municipality)
9047294 (Gausdal Municipality)
9047300 (Gjovik Municipality)
9047303 (Gran Municipality)
9047310 (Hamar Municipality)
9047340 (Kongsvinger Municipality)
9047357 (Lillehammer Municipality)
9047362 (Lom Municipality)
9047393 (Nord-Odal Municipality)
9047394 (Nordre Land Municipality)
9047404 (Os Municipality)
9047413 (Rendalen Municipality)
9047415 (Ringsaker)
9047432 (Sel Municipality)
9047436 (Skjak)
9047444 (Sondre Land Municipality)
9047445 (Sor-Aurdal Municipality)
9047446 (Sor-Fron Municipality)
9047450 (Stange Municipality)
9047456 (Stor-Elvdal)
9047469 (Tolga Municipality)
9047475 (Trysil Municipality)
9047477 (Tynset Municipality)
9047491 (Vestre Slidre Municipality)
9073101 (Lesja Municipality)
9073103 (Vaga Municipality)
9073104 (Oystre Slidr Municipality)
9073105 (Vang Municipality)
9073160 (Valer Municipality)
9073161 (Loten Municipality)
9073162 (Nord-Fron Municipality)
9073163 (Ringebu Municipality)
9073164 (Oyer Municipality)
9073165 (Folldal Municipality)
9073166 (Alvdal Municipality)